чухонский болотный божок (с)
У меня сейчас довольно мрачный период жизни: пришлось срочно имплантировать зуб, что, как вы понимаете, весьма мучительно и физически, и морально, и, блеать, финансово. В такое время меня невероятно поддерживает Зигфрид Сассун и кулстори о нем. Я считаю, что если бы Зигфрида не было, его бы стоило выдумать.
There were two altercations in his Packard car, the first with the kerb-stones on a sharp corner and the second with a bus, its driver and the local police. The lanes of Wiltshire were not designed for fast cars to challenge buses in overtaking manoeuvres and mudguard-to-mudguard duels. In heated language Sassoon demanded an explanation from the bus driver (notorious for his bad manners, noted Sassoon) as to why he was racing him. Before receiving a reply he accused the man of being ‘a bloody fool’. Then he got into his car and drove off, believing the incident concluded. It was not long before the local policeman (a lazy and incompetent man, noted Sassoon) was investigating this further example of Captain Sassoon’s questionable ability as a driver. Collusion was in the air (the bus driver and the policeman were close friends, noted Sassoon).
There were two altercations in his Packard car, the first with the kerb-stones on a sharp corner and the second with a bus, its driver and the local police. The lanes of Wiltshire were not designed for fast cars to challenge buses in overtaking manoeuvres and mudguard-to-mudguard duels. In heated language Sassoon demanded an explanation from the bus driver (notorious for his bad manners, noted Sassoon) as to why he was racing him. Before receiving a reply he accused the man of being ‘a bloody fool’. Then he got into his car and drove off, believing the incident concluded. It was not long before the local policeman (a lazy and incompetent man, noted Sassoon) was investigating this further example of Captain Sassoon’s questionable ability as a driver. Collusion was in the air (the bus driver and the policeman were close friends, noted Sassoon).
Странно слышать про срочную имплантацию. Обычно процесс, помимо дороговизны, как раз отвратителен протяженностью во времени. Не слышал, чтобы с ним была какая-то срочность. в любом случае, желаю скорейшего и успешного завершения диалога с челюстью.
*Fifi*, да!
Присоединяюсь к пожеланиям скорейшего решения проблемы с зубом! Вся эта стоматологическая катавасия, действительно, дико утомительна, но, надеюсь, результат будет стоить того)